A Crowded Room

19.09.20 - 04.10.20

Bronwen Bradshaw

Nell Brookfield
Sophie Willoughby Maddalena Zadra

Curated by Matchett & Page

The Haybarn at Shatwell Farm, Somerset

A Crowded Room brings together the work of four artists: Bronwen Bradshaw, Nell Brookfield, Sophie Willoughby and Maddalena Zadra. The exhibition responded to the new status of the crowd in the time of COVID-19. Nationwide and local lockdowns, social isolation and physical distancing all contributed to the transformation of crowds into uneasy bodies. Scenes recalled from memory and intimately observed portraits sit alongside carnivalesque chimeras and bird-head masks. Together this odd company of real and imagined figures creates a surrogate crowd in the space of the gallery.

‘Bird Heads’ by Sophie Willoughby and ‘When the birds are dancing’ (painting) by Maddalena Zadra.

‘The Three Brighdes’ (etching) by Bronwen Bradshaw, 2020.

Portraits by Nell Brookfield.