Grace Notes / one.two.


Tarka Kings
Pike Ogilvy

during the 2023 Open Day at
Shatwell Farm, Somerset

Grace Notes by Tarka Kings and by Pike Ogilvy was part of the Shatwell Farm Open Day, held during the week of the summer solstice. Five artists responded to and activated the landscape, structures and architectural enquiries of Shatwell farm. Their various artworks existed in conversation with one another and visitors who attended the open day.

Tarka Kings and Pike Ogilvy engaged with the Silo at Shatwell through a wall painting and audio composition, installed alongside Jackie Brooks’ sculpture Tick.

Tarka Kings, ‘Grace Notes’, 2023.

‘‘Grace Notes’ is a wall painting that picks out in colour some of the structural rivets that hold the former grain silo together. The silo is now used as a space for performance and installation. The title alludes to the musical term of the same name, the fleeting half notes that articulate and highlight a musical passage, without changing its intrinsic nature.

Tarka’s main medium is drawing, using graphite and coloured pencil to make subtle, intricate drawings of quiet intensity. She also makes work that intervenes in architectural space, on walls and on floors, and it is this practice that led to her response to the Silo.’

Pike Ogilvy, ‘’, audio installation alongside ‘Tick’ by Jackie Brooks, 2023.

‘‘’ is a site-specific audio installation responding to the silo and Tarka’s wall painting Grace Notes. The piece sonifies the visual and architectural form, employing digital bells and granular synthesis to process field recordings from within the silo. Pike is a musician, sound artist and educator based in London.’