Connor  Vickery-Gearty

18.06.22 - 26.06.22

Connor Vickery-Gearty

as part of ‘Expositions’ during the 2022 Open Day at
Shatwell Farm, Somerset

Expositions brought together the work of six artists, installed across the site of Shatwell Farm. The selection of works traversed the conscious and unconscious territories of memory, materiality and space.

Connor Vickery-Gearty exhibited a new sculpture, ‘Untitled 2022’, alongside his already installed ‘1 ton blocks’.

Photographs by Roland Chambers.


Connor Vickery-Gearty, ‘1 ton blocks’ & ‘Untitled 2022’ with Nicola Turner’s ‘Lapses’ silo installation.

‘Connor Vickery-Gearty’s  sculpture focuses on the potential in material, and how the viewers experience can be altered by manipulating materials in a space. His work looks at how extreme tension and weight can be portrayed through sculpture.

He explains “there is a limbo period that ensues between material and viewer when they first encounter my work. The viewers attention is immediately focused on the presence of the potential energy contained in the sculpture, coupled with the thought of what might happen in the event of an energy release. My sculpture aims to change the feel and dynamic of a space through this use of weight, force and tension, whilst the work itself sits perfectly still.”

This results in an active engagement from the viewer. They are involved in the piece and part of the work, rather than simply being the voyeur.’